Two Weeks

 As of yesterday, I have officially avoided alcohol for two whole weeks.

I have somewhat conflicted feelings about this as on the one hand, it isn't that much time so is it really an accomplishment? Especially when it hasn't been all too difficult yet. But I feel somewhat proud nonetheless despite the shame of having to do so in the first place.

Things are improving slowly. My partner went from literally moving time off work so that he could move out to agreeing to give us another go since I "seem serious" about it. While I'm relieved it has put a lot of extra stress on me over the past couple weeks, and I've still been crying fairly frequently. But not all hope is lost! So that's something.

Still unsure whether I should sell my wedding dress or not though as I suppose we aren't engaged anymore. I suppose if I end up needing the money then I will, which is sad. Hoping to save a little more money now that I've cut from buying alcohol every day to buying alcohol-free beer maybe twice a week.

Last week's meeting focused on Hierarchy of Values, so I'm trying to put things into perspective. It's a good way of looking at things, as the things you write as most important can motivate you, plus OH LOOK alcohol isn't on that list. It just isn't a life priority. My relationship is the most important thing to me, and I'd like to focus on hobbies again. I finally built my Mimikyu nanoblock, and also started playing Detroit: Become Human which I bought a super long time ago.

Have dug out my D.Va model to build some time soon, and also picked up a book on embroidery from the book swap in the village I work in, so I have plenty to be getting on with when I find myself bored or in need of distraction. Have also made some attempts at bento boxes, so finding proper recipies would probably be a good use of my time too as it also means wasting less money on meal deals at work.

Have another meeting tomorrow, not looking forward to it as while some of it is interesting and helpful, a lot of it is the same people talking about themselves all the time 😅 but hey, I guess it's doing them good to get it all out, I'm just really not much of a talker!


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