Mental Health

 I've been having a hard time with my mental health recently, mostly with trying to wrap my head around what's even going on. So just going to vomit out my jumbled thoughts here.

I've been on antidepressants for about half a year I think, and since quitting drinking I can definitely feel that they're working. I still feel like shit most of the time, but I'm guessing that's just reactionary? I've been crying a lot, feeling super insecure and paranoid, but also feeling like a completely different person at the same time. I've felt happier generally, and doing things like humming to myself (in a tuneful way, unlike my anxiety hum). I even get occasional bursts of energy which I was worried about at first, but when I think about it, wasn't I like that before depression? It's just wild to think about because I was a child then, is this who I should have been for the last two decades?

The insecurity is pretty easy to pin down, that's due to the disaster that is my love life. Today he dropped the bomb that he's been super unhappy recently (which was pretty noticeable), and that he wasn't sure if it was work or me that had been making him miserable. That was a pretty big knock to my already struggling mental health, as I've been having frequent breakdowns as the thought that he could just leave at any moment is running through my head pretty much constantly. Turns out he's pretty sure it's because of work...but I didn't need to know all that. It hurt. I could do without my insecurity being confirmed as not pure paranoia.

Needless to say, I've been finding this week a little harder, although I still haven't had a drink. Work has been stressful with staff absences which has moved my shifts around which makes me anxious. The weather has been nice, I would just love to sit in a beer garden with a pint just to get away from everything for a bit!

This weekend is the bank holiday, which I'm absolutely dreading. He wants us to go across to the pub for their live music and whatnot, but being in a crowded place with a crappy band playing when everybody else will be getting drunk, and not being allowed to have a single idea of hell. I will probably be grumpy but I'll try.

I would like to be allowed to drink socially. It's been so easy to not drink at all, I don't see why it should be a problem? If it turns into a slippery slope, then fair, I'll stop. My 'failures' previously were because I wasn't trying, I wasn't ready. I feel comfortable enough to try now. The habit of drinking every night at home (which was the problem) has been broken, and I'm quite happy having an alcohol free beer to wind down with instead. Not drinking when out is very different...but hey ho.


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